What can
do for you?
- Buyers have busy schedules and don’t wait for open houses, they will first research properties on MLS.
- Most people go online to see pictures of your home before making an appointment or going to an open house.
- Potential buyers browsing listings are more likely to click through and look at the entire listing if the photos are appealing.
- First impressions are made within the first minute of entering a property.
- Staging a home can increase the dollar value of the home leaving less room for price negotiations.
- Vacant homes stay on the market for much longer than a staged home.

Staging is not Decorating
When decorating you are appealing to the homeowner, taking into account personal touches and preferences. That beautiful family portrait may bring joy to you or having all the couches arranged a certain way may be fantastic for how your family works but it may not appeal to everyone else.
At STAGED WITH KARE, we keep the buyer in mind. It is critical for the buyer to envision themselves living in this home without being distracted by the homeowner’s personal items and clutter, as well as maximize the space by strategically placing items to showcase the space available. Creating a welcoming canvas for the buyer is so important as most buyers will form an opinion within 10 seconds of stepping into your home.
Staging may seem like it’s a lot of money all at once but based on homes that have sold in the past, staged homes will sell for 5-15% more than an unstaged home of similar size and location.
Using this example:
Say you invest $2000.00 into the budget for staging
Your unstaged home gets sold for $500,000.00, your staged home gets sold for (use median of 10% increase) $550,000.00
50,000 – 2000 (staging cost) = 48,000.00 EXTRA in your pocket!!
So really staging is an investment and necessary if you want to earn extra money on your home. Let STAGED WITH KARE make you more money.
“The initial cost to stage is always less than a price reduction”